


Symbol for Diabetes


     A group of metabolic diseases in which a person has high blood sugar, either because the body does not produce enough insulin, or because cells do not respond to the insulin that is produced.

Insulin is a hormone produced by the pancreas to control blood sugar. Diabetes can be caused by too little insulin, resistance to insulin, or both.

Diabetes in India:

         Telling very sadly, India is called as Diabetes capital of the World. In India, 50.8 million people suffer from diabetes, and this figure is likely to go up to 80 million by 2025, making it the 'Diabetes Capital' of the world.

History of Diabetes (Diabetes's History):

        Diabetes is one of the oldest known diseases. The great Indian physician Sushruta identified the disease and classified it as Medhumeha. He further identified it with obesity and sedentary lifestyle, advising exercises to help "cure" it. The ancient Indians tested for diabetes by observing whether ants were attracted to a person's urine, and called the ailment "sweet urine disease" (Madhumeha).
Major, three types of Diabetes:
          Type 1 diabetes can occur at any age, but it is most often diagnosed in children, teens, or young adults. In this disease, the body makes little or no insulin. Daily injections of insulin are needed. The exact cause is unknown.

          Type 2 diabetes makes up most of diabetes cases. It most often occurs in adulthood, but teens and young adults are now being diagnosed with it because of high obesity rates. Many people with type 2 diabetes do not know they have it.

         Gestational diabetes is high blood sugar that develops at any time during pregnancy in a woman who does not have diabetes.


         Diabetes Type 1:  

            The pancreas stop producing insulin due to autuimmune response or possibly viral attack on pancreas. In absence of insulin, body cells don’t get the required glucose for producing ATP (Adenosin Triphosphate) units which results into primary symptom in the form of Nausea (feeling "sick to the stomach") and Vomiting. In later stage, which leads to ketoacidosis, the body starts breaking down the Muscle tissue and fat for producing energy hence, causing fast weight loss.

       Diabetes Type 2: 

             Increased fatigue
             Weight flactuation

             Blurry vision



             Poor wound healing

             Frequent urination

             Excessive thirst

Cure for Diabetes:

              There is no cure for diabetes. Diabetes cannot be cured completely, but can be effectively controlled. People with diabetes can lead a healthy life if, their blood glucose level is under control. The decrease in life span of a diabetic is restored to normal by maintaining good blood glucose control. Treatment involves medicines, diet, and exercise to control blood sugar and prevent symptoms and problems.

            We can live happy life by taking medicines, doing regular exercises, by keeping control in taking food. Life is about how we look at the things.

Are you a Diabetic?

             Come and join. Let's share the better solution to cure it.

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